Want to know more about the jurors hearing your case? Chances are, you can read about them online. National data from our focus groups show the number of jurors reporting they belong to some kind of social networking site has grown steadily since we began tracking in 2008.

In addition, the average age of those reporting an online social presence is increasing. In 2008, just
14% of jurors older than 40 years reported belonging to an online social site. So far, during just the first half of 2010,
40% of those older than 40 report having a Facebook or MySpace page, or similar online social network.
Further, the potential sources for jurors to “express” themselves or provide critical personal information continues to grow, as we have seen with sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.
Remember, researching jurors online is not just valuable for jury selection. Understanding a juror’s social priorities and language traits can help you better tailor themes, arguments, and words to fit your jury panel’s world views.
Call us if you’d like to know more.