For those of you who travel frequently, this Yahoo! article may interest you. According to U.S. researchers, starving yourself before a flight might be the most effective way to combat jet lag.
Here comes the science:
Normally, the body's natural circadian clock in the brain dictates
when to wake, eat and sleep, all in response to light. But it seems a second clock takes over when food is scarce, and manipulating this clock might help travelers adjust to new time zones, they said.
"A period of fasting with no food at all for about 16 hours is
enough to engage this new clock," said Dr. Clifford Saper of Harvard Medical School, whose study appears in the journal Science.
Yes, you read that correctly: fasting for 16 hours. I don't know about you, but I think I'll take my chances with jet lag.
On the other hand, with airlines cutting snack service to save money, you might not have a choice whether to fast or not.
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